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13 Gamka Street, Kaymore Industrial, Stikland, 7530

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Empowering Educators, Enriching Learners

Crafted by educators, for educators. Dive into our curated collection of textbooks that champion the highest standards of education in South Africa.

Leadership Literacy 4 Life (LL4L)

For schools who want to work towards the better preparation of our future leaders and gain researched support and training for their elected student leaders, brought to your school by Allcopy Publishers Pty Ltd and EnQPractice.com.

Ekonomiese & Besigheidstudies

Gr8 Sowel As Rekeningkunde Gr 9, 10, 11 & 12 Is Onlangs Vrygestel...
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Recently Added Products

Mathematics GR 10 NEW EDITION Text Book Samples - English & Afrikaans

Explore our Mathematics Grade 10 New Edition textbook with free downloadable PDF samples, available in both English and Afrikaans. These samples offer a comprehensive preview of our meticulously crafted content, designed to align with South Africa's educational standards. Uncover the pedagogical innovations and engaging exercises that set our materials apart, providing you with a valuable resource for effective teaching and learning.

Natural Sciences / Natuurwetenskappe Gr 8 & 9 – Textbooks Updated

What's New?

  1. New information about several topics became available since the previous edition e.g. viruses and Covid, nature conservation, and global warming.
  2. New ways of looking at healthy diets and the negative effects of obesity are some of the examples.
  3. Some of the activities worked better for teachers as well as learners than others so we streamlined or replaced those.

To view samples of the new textbooks, login to or join the Teachers Platform

Mathematical Literacy

Constantly Revised To Comply With The National Curriculum And Assessment Policy Statement (NCAPS)


  1. The purpose of this publication is to revise and consolidate all aspects of the Mathematical Literacy curriculum using a user-friendly, systematic approach.
  2. Each topic in the curriculum is explained and followed up with an exercise so that students can determine their level of competency for that particular skill.
  3. The author of this Study Guide understands that time is of the essence and very precious to any Grade 11 or Grade 12 student.
  4. With this in mind, she kept the layout of the guide basic and easy to navigate, emphasized the important points clearly and included the answers at the back of the book for easy reference.
  5. This Study Guide offers a comprehensive summary of the curriculum and exercises that will ensure proficiency in this subject.
  6. The author feels confident that any student that works through this guide and completes all the exercises, will be an incredibly prepared student. One that can walk into their final examinations confidently!

Wiskundige Geletterdheid

Voortdurend Hersien Om Ooreen Te Stem Met Die Nasionale Kurrikulum- En Assesseringsbeleidsverklaring (NKABV)


  1. Die doel van hierdie publikasie is om alle aspekte van die kurrikulum Wiskundige Geletterdheid te hersien en te konsolideer volgens ‘n gebruikersvriendelike, sistematiese benadering.
  2. Elke onderwerp in die kurrikulum word verduidelik en opgevolg met ‘n oefening sodat studente hul vaardigheidsvlak vir daardie spesifieke vaardigheid kan bepaal.
  3. Die skrywer van hierdie studiegids verstaan dat tyd van kardinale belang is en baie kosbaar is vir elke graad 11 of graad 12-student.
  4. Met die oog daarop hou sy die uitleg van die gids basies en maklik om te navigeer, beklemtoon die belangrike punte en bevat die antwoorde agter in die boek vir maklike verwysing.
  5. Hierdie studiegids bied ‘n omvattende samevatting van die kurrikulum en oefeninge wat die vaardigheid in hierdie vak sal verseker.
  6. Die skrywer voel vol vertroue dat elke student wat hierdie gids deurwerk en al die oefeninge voltooi, ‘n ongelooflike voorbereide student sal wees. Een wat met selfvertroue hul finale eksamen kan aflê!

Mathematics Geometry Workbook & Solutions

Geometry Is An Extremely Important Part Of The Mathematics Curriculum. For This Reason, The Mathematics Authors And Mind Action Series Has Decided To Develop A Separate Workbook.


  • This workbook ties in with the newly developed MAS Textbooks that have just been released.
  • The reasons outlined in the DOE Gr 12 exams are strictly adhered to.
  • The Workbook will help learners prepare for exams.
  • The biggest benefit for the learners is that the workbook contains all the drawings together with every problem.

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